![formation_image_01 la formation d’architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/formation_image_01.jpg)
Architecture basics
By completing this threeyear course students gain a bachelor’s degree in architecture. They learn the basics of the culture of architecture and acquire an understanding of the purpose and practice of architecture and the design process. Two compulsory internships. ’Living memories’ research report chronicling a critical appraisal of the three years of study and a presentation to a panel.
![formation_image_02 la formation d’architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/formation_image_02.jpg)
Advanced architectural studies and critical autonomy
This course lasts for two years and results in a Master of Architecture degree. Students are expected to demonstrate an advanced level of critical thinking, independent design of an architectural project and critical understanding of building processes. The second cycle prepares students for the various ways of practising architecture and the different professional spheres and architectural research. This course may also lead to other higher level courses through pathways with the University and other major Schools.
![formation_image_02_bis La formation d architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/formation_image_02_bis.jpg)
In our CRENAU research laboratory
The Nantes School of Architecture can oversee doctoral students in our CRENAU research laboratory (Centre de recherche nantais Architectures Urbanités).
![formation_image_03 La formation d architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/formation_image_03.jpg)
Double major
In partnership with the École Centrale de Nantes, the Nantes School of Architecture offers first-year, first-cycle students the opportunity to pursue a double major course in architecture and engineering over seven years.
![formation_image_04 La formation d architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/formation_image_04.jpg)
Double major
In partnership with the AUDENCIA school, the Nantes School of Architecture invites firstyear, first-cycle students to take a double major course in architecture and management over seven years.
![formation_image_05 La formation d architecte](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/formation_image_05.jpg)
Double major
In partnership with the University of Nantes (faculty of law and political science and the Institute of Geography), the Nantes School of Architecture offers first-year, masterscycle students the opportunity to take a threeyear double-major course in architecture and town planning. Upon successful completion of this course students will receive a Master of Architecture degree and a master degree in Town and Regional Planning.
— Degrees
![diplomes_image_01 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_01.jpg)
(Habilitation à exercer la maîtrise d’œuvre en nom propre / Construction project management degree). This qualification confers the right to call one’s self an architect. The purpose of this course, according to the Article 7 of the order of 10 April 2007, is to ensure that graduates gain a deep and up-to-date knowledge of architecture. To attain this qualification the student must amass 150 hours of approved training and work experience or accreditation of prior learning.
![diplomes_image_02 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_02.jpg)
— Continuing vocational training
Open to professionals who can provide evidence of prior experience in the sectors of architecture, construction or spatial planning, including at least 3 years working closely with an architect, and who wish to gain a Master of Architecture degree. Admissions are accepted every two years.
![diplomes_image_03 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_03.jpg)
— Master of town and urban environment planning
This is a cross-cutting course that integrates issues relating to urban physical environments and environmental, human and social considerations. Course covers: atmosphere, water and the environment; architectural ambiances and urban forms. Run in tandem with the École Centrale de Nantes.
![diplomes_image_04 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_04.jpg)
— Master of town and regional planning
The master’s degree prepares the students for the diversity of careers in urbanism: planning and strategies of urban development, urban projects moving towards extension and urban renewal, dynamic and sustainable management of existing urban centres. The course is the product of a three-way academic partnership (with the University of Nantes and the faculty of law, geography and political science) and takes a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to town planning.
![diplomes_image_05 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_05.jpg)
— DPEA – Master of architecture and set design in partnership with ESBANM
(École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Nantes métropole) Entry requirements: School leaving exam (e.g. Bac or A-Levels) + 3 years of third-level education. Duration: 2 years Live entertainment, architecture of stage sets, museography, light shows, image, performing arts. Admission schedule: the next round of admissions will start in the first semester of 2021.
![diplomes_image_06 Les diplomes](https://www.nantes.archi.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/diplomes_image_06.jpg)
— DPEA – Master of marine engineering
Entry requirements: Degree in architecture or engineering. Duration: 1 year A combination of architecture and engineering for the purposes of shipbuilding. Multi-disciplinarity, project management, innovations in seashore, river, pleasure cruising, transport and port planning sector.
— Bachelor and master of architecture and urbanism ensa nantes-mauritius
Entry requirements: School leaving exam (e.g. Bac or A-Levels) The undergraduate cycle, in three years, leads to a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism in relation with the professional fields of architecture, design and spatial planning. It grants access for the graduate cycle, in two years, leading to the architect diploma.
— Life-long learning
Le Pôle Atlantique learning hub The Pôle Atlantique is a continuing learning hub that offers professionals an array of courses such as BIM (building information modelling), construction economics, energy transition and 20th century heritage. https://poleatlantique.com